Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Feeling Your Feet

Can you feel your feet?

This may seem like a strange question but it is one we ask our patients every day at framework clinics.  If we have a good sense of where our feet are when we are walking, standing, running and even sitting our brain can  ask the muscles throughout the rest of our body to work effectively.  Think of your feet as the key stone, if they don't have their correct place how can the rest of the structure be stable and strong.

How to check if you can feel your feet

Sit on a comfortable chair, socks and shoes off with both feet comfortably on the floor. Close your eyes and for each foot think about what you can feel. Can you feel your big toe, toes, the pads of your feet, your heel, the instep and the outside border of your foot. Can you feel each part clearly? Does the right and left foot feel the same? Is your big toe slightly raised and not touching the floor?

How can I feel my feet more?

All our clinicians at Framework are able to assess and show you how to correct the perception of your feet.  For most patients we will incorporate the exercises into you rehabilitation regime.  You can attempt to waken up your feet yourself.  Sitting again in bare feet concentrate on one foot at a time.  Press gently into the floor with each part of your foot e.g. The big toe, heel, instep etc.  make sure you keep all other areas of your foot in contact with the floor.  Take your time and repeat a few times with each part.  Repeat with the other foot.  Have a walk around and see how you feel.  The change may be subtle but it can make a big difference to how efficiently the rest of your muscles work.

Give us a call at Framework if you would like more information, our clinicians will be happy to help.
Bridge of Allan: 01786 831100
Tillicoultry: 01259 750960
Livingston: 01506 202526

The listening foot has been developed by Joanne Elphinston.  Stability sport and performance movement, great technique without injury.

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