Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Managing Soft Tissue Injuries

Are you managing your soft tissue injury well?

Soft tissue injuries are traumatic injuries to the muscles, tendon, ligament or any combination of the 3.  We commonly see soft tissue injuries through sport but it can obviously occur in day-to-day life.


The first 72 hours it is useful to follow the rules of RICE.


The aim is to regain normal movement as quickly as possible however within the first 72 hours it is important you rest.  If the injury is in your leg you may benefit from elbow crutches to rest the area and encourage a good walking pattern.  You will need to attend your physiotherapist or accident and emergency department to be provided with these and learn how to use them appropriately.


Frozen peas can be just as good as an ice pack as you can mold it around the injured area. 
Ice should not be applied directly to the skin and should be wrapped in a damp towel. 
Ice should be applied for no more than 10 minutes every 2 hours.


Some body parts are difficult to apply compression to.  The wrist, knee and ankle tend to be the easiest.  You can buy tubigrip from most chemists.  When applying cover the whole area ensuring there are no folds in the tubigrip.  Do not wear at night, this is only for during the day.  Tubigrip does not provide support just compression.


True elevation involves the swollen area being above your heart.  If your injury involves the ankle or knee lie on your back the sofa or bed with  your foot raised up on a pillow for as long as you are able and feel comfortable.

It is also important that you move well little and often.  The sooner you can regain normal movement the better your recovery can be and the less likelihood of injury recurrence. 

Soft tissue injuries can take between 6 and 8 weeks to fully recover if managed well.  Effective management of your soft tissue injury is essential for achieving full recovery and reducing problems in the future.  Attending your physiotherapist from the start of your injury can ensure that your injury is properly assessed and give you all the appropriate management strategies. 

At Framework clinics we can provide you with the correct advice and care.  Give us a call at any of our 3 clinics:
Bridge of Allan: 01786 831100
Livingston: 01506 202526
Tillicoultry: 01259 750960

If you are concerned regarding the extent of your injury or if you suspect you may have a fracture you may need to attend accident and emergency or your GP.  

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